Thursday, September 29, 2011

here i am

there's a lot to tell, a lot to update.
just found some internet again, kinda been out of luck in that department for awhile.
there won't be any pictures today, but soon, there will be picture updates.
been continuing the adventure.
it's finally progressed to being not only an adventure in the sense of physical adventure, but now also
an emotional adventure.

I've been on my own for the most part now, for a few weeks.
It's not easy all the time. I miss Mark a lot.
But, I'm doing experiments... trying to be as adventurous as possible without losing my footing.
stretching to find myself again, seeing how far I can go.
I can be ANYONE I want to be. Sounds fun. Being comfortable in my own skin, while
changing the daily things I usually do.
Letting other people lead all the time-- seeing where it takes me.
Waiting on everyone else to make all the decisions, sitting and not doing anything.
Clearing my mind. No busy-ness.
No working, trying to let my mind roam-- seeing how I can tap into my creativity.
Drawing, walking, waiting. Where will I find myself?

I am becoming lighter. Day by day.

Exuding warmth and positivity and

This is good.

Question of the day: What is truly necessary? And what do we impose upon ourselves as necessary?


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